Monday, May 17, 2010

Is there a good website that shows self-defense techniques without actual fighting?

I%26#039;m gonna do a speech about how to defend yourself against attackers. Not everybody in the class or teacher would know martial arts. I want to tell them useful tactics to use if they suddenly encounter an enemy. And techniques the girls could use also.|||The best kind of defense that any person could easily use against an attacker would either be Pepper spray, a stun gun, or a Taser. All three are ideal defense products for women, as they are small, lightweight, concealable, and extremely easy to use. Pepper Spray can be bought for under 10 dollars, and stun guns can be found for under 20. I own a website that sells these products and if you would like to offer our services to your group, you can message me at and I can arrange a special Discount Code for you and your group.|||Like the above answer I%26#039;d definitely recommend tasers and pepper sprays. The quick release key ring model could also be attached to a purse keeping it within easy reach for one example. There is also a taser called the Small Fry which looks very much like a cell phone when worn in its belt holder and is about the same dimensions as a pack of cigarettes that can pack quite a punch.

As another reference sit where you can find both of these items I%26#039;d recommend though you could probably benefit more from the group discount offered above.|||the first and for most lesson in self defense, is to run.

the second if you are being robbed is to hand over your wallet. its not worth your life.

this is one of the first tactics taught in self defense classes.

as a last resort you should fight.

|||There are plenty of videos on YouTube that demonstrate techniques and their applications. This is only one example, but there are so many more. |||try you tube

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